Sunday, January 10, 2010
Shit Happens~
Persuasion- Peta advertisement
This poster is nice and persuasive. The main message of this poster is to discourage people to take public transport or to cycle. With movies like "2012" and documentaries on the planet Earth slowly being destroyed by our own hands, this is a project to help save the planet. Also, people these days are very mindful of their looks and weight. By showing the picture of a person cycling, you can get them to lose weight and at the same time, help reduce the rate at which the Earth is going to waste
T03 Daren Liew
Animal Cruelty
This poster is trying to raise public awareness about the cruel treatment of chickens. Through this gruesome and gory photo, it intends to deter people from consuming chickens. By inducing fear and qualm in the consumers, they would be more likely to think twice before purchasing poultries. The caption “A heart beats in us the same as in you” is an emotional approach that aims to bring about empathy towards the poultries. It gives the meaning that the chicken is also a living thing which can feel the sufferings and pains.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Week 12 e-learning.
This is a typical poster that organisations use to attract talents. As shown in the poster, it says "WE ARE NOT THE SAME. BUT WE ARE ALL EQUALS."
As such, this poster is bringing across the message that every worker will get the same treatment and they emphasis on equality, thus everybody have a chance to get promoted or get bonuses. They have applied credibility, by first implying that everybody may not be the same, but everybody will get equal treatment.
Friday, January 8, 2010
sexy bmw
This is a poster used to promote Durex condoms during the period near Father's Day.
It evokes a sense of fear in consumers who use their competitors brand of condoms as it persuades them to think that other condoms are not as effective and trust able as theirs and that if they use anything other brands of condoms besides Durex, they would conceive a child and become a father.
Elaine Tan (T02)
Canon cameras.
This picture is part of a commercial by Canon to promote their cameras. They made use of a celebrity to promote their cameras, as well as persuade people to get Canon cameras. In the commercial, Avril Lavigne (the celebrity) was portrayed to be taking very good photos and videos with Canon cameras. And in that sense, they followed the peripheral route of persuasion. The celebrity that is endorsing the product is known to many, and many of the audience would want to support whatever their idol is endorsing. Thus, they would buy Canon cameras.
Michelle Low (T02)
Dell laptop
This Dell laptop advertisement uses the effects good feelings.
In the beginning of this advertisement, the audiences might be kept in suspense of the what product the advertisement is trying to promote, and anticipates for the end of the advertisement, keeping their attention. On top of that, its catchy tune and uses of colours also enhances the advertisement. People might also then relate 'lollipop' to this advertisement and want to buy the product.
Goh Yi Zhen T03
My boyfriend gave me aids
This poster is about safe sex. It depicts a black and white picture of a girl who is expressionless. It says " My boyfriend gave me aids, I was only afraid of getting pregnant". This brings about an awareness to public that the responsible way of having sex i by using a condom or else there will be consequences beyond just getting a girl pregnant but also spreading a fatal disease. The small words at the bottom also states "Aids is a killer, protect yourself". Therefore, it brings about a warning that Aids will kill you and therefore everyone should be mindful to practice safe sex.
Child Prostitution
-Timothy Poon (T01)
Duracell Battery Advertisement
ARICIA T03 - revlon ad
This is an advertisement of Revlon on Jessica Alba. The persuasion technique that is used is a celebrity endorsement to create the effect of attractiveness. People who look up to this international star may be influenced by her association with Relvon and hence purchase the product. Also, it brings out an effect of good feelings. In this advertisement, Jessica Alba's hair shines and with lustre, and the colour of her hair is appealing. This associates with good feelings, making peope feel that by using this product, their hair colour and hair condition will be like Jessica Alba's.
Kong Yanli Karen (T03) S10075351J
This advertisements uses the peripheral route to persuasion to evoke feelings of fear to prevent people from drug abuse. The sight of the drug abuser being caught and pinned down by the police, and the consequences that will follow (jail term) stirs up a fear of suffering the same fate as that guy. Also, the advertisement inserted a short write up on the various side effects of "Ice", to also instill fear in the people. Contact information is provided for drug abuser who are seeking help or solutions, so that they will not go into denial due to fear.
Bloody Mary: Don't Drink and Drive
This advertisement used the peripheral route to persuasion, as it appeals to our feelings. Fear in particular is the emotion they wish to arouse. Fear is brought about by the gruesome picture, of the girl covered in blood, and the slight association to the urban legend Bloody Mary, as the girl is staring at you eerie manner, hence associating death with reckless drunk driving (heuristics). Another thing to note is that they use attractiveness to appeal to people, as the poster is aesthetically-pleasing and witty with the Bloody Mary association to a popular alcoholic drink, which will appeal to those who drink.
by Rachel Chong Chia Xin from T03
Persuasion. Women Rights.
This picture, persuades people to advocate for women rights through the peripheral route to persuasion. By using a rhetoric question that asks the viewers to put themselves in the shoes of these women, the poster evokes a feeling of unjust in the viewers, thus stirring them up to create change. The statistics in the small box to the bottom right also triggers the central route to persuasion. This two-pronged technique is effective as it will not only target the people who are more emotional, but also the more logical ones.
Public Safety Banner on seatbelts
Thursday, January 7, 2010
This advertisement uses the peripheral route to persuasion to raise awareness about smoking. They convey and invoke fear to smokers that they need to stop smoking and if they don't they will be hooked forever. Also, it displays cause and effect by saying that is you smoke you will be hooked. It also uses statistics as a form of credibility stating that if you start smoking you will end up smoking over five thousand cigarettes every year.
Darren Nico Pillai
- T01
Image from Papermarket's Website http://www.papermarket.com.sg/
It advertisement starts of with encouraging people to start their Christmas shopping and then slowly by encouraging people to head down to the store using a Christmas Surprise and making it a 'hard-to-come-by' thing, by making it limited to 1 per customer per day whilst stocks last. The communicator (advertisement) is attractive and definitely an eye-catching "HEADLINE NEWS on the website" while the message entices people to head down to the store, best of all people who visits this website are mostly people interested in making crafts and cards for Christmas. Which makes everyone who goes to the website and see this fall right into the persuasion.
The one who fell into the persuasion
Melina Chua, T04
This is an anti-smoking advertisement. The objective of this picture is to highlight the negative health impacts of smoking, which eventually is depicted as leading to death. The type of persuasion technique used is a fear-arousing message. It is stated that fear induces both a self-protective response and an appraisal of whether the arousing threat can be avoided. Thus, smokers or people are who are thinking of smoking may be hesitant to do so upon seeing visual images that shows how smoking slowly ruins a life bit by bit.
-Gurvin, T04.
Week 12 E-learning (Persuasion)
T01 Sarah Tan
Persuasion : Anti-Smoking
Stop child abuse
This advertisement is used to stop child abusive acts. In this advertisement, the central route to persuasion is involved in bringing the audience to process their thoughts and analysis of child abuse. From the statement "I am not a punching bag!" and the image of the innocent expression of the innocent child, it allows audience to be in the shoes of these child abuse victims and process their thoughts about the consequences of abuse acts. Hence, creating awareness about the psychological effect of child abuse and persuading people to carry out actions to stop it.
Tey Jing Yin T04
No tobacco day - Wei Lun
The no tobacco day advertisement uses the central route to persuasion. As seen, only the spot which is the "non-smoking area" is empty, in other words still alive. Another thing is that they are trying to let people see that there is an alarming increase in the amount of people smoking. This picture is useful in a sense that although it is not gory, it leads to people realize the fact about how smoking kills. It requires certain amount of processing after seeing the picture, as the greenery within the picture actually looks sort of pleasant.
This advertisement aims to highlight the problem that has been getting much attention recently. Drinking alcohol among young people has been increasing. There have been many negative effects of alcohol. Some of it includes violence, abuse, social problems, feeling disoriented.
From this advertisement, we could see that the difference between the first and the second picture would be the slogan and the female model. The slogan “playful, painful” suggest that there is a lack of contentment and tranquility. It also proposes that alcohol can make one feel young and playful but also makes one feel painful. The bruises also suggest that alcohol leads to violence.
Persuasion heuristic has been employed where the object, which refers to the alcohol, has been paired with this negative advertisement itself and was now seen as negative. The technique of arousing fear has also been used. The lady in the advertisement has been abused. The bruises might brings about negative feelings for viewers. Fear can arouse negative emotions. This advertisement also hopes to provoke changes in attitudes.
Tan Hwee Koon T02
This advertisement for Revlon uses attractiveness to persuade people to buy their product. Attractive advertisements are useful as they are not only pleasing to the eyes, but they also make the audience desire to become like the models in the advertisement.
In this case, they used an attractive model with smoldering eyes to persuade people to buy the product. The model has flawless skin and her eyes also look good. Thus, women would want to buy that product, thinking that if they use the product, they will have eyes that look like the ones in the advertisement.
Denise Seah T01
Two is enough
While the poster does not use disturbing images to arouse fear in the viewers, it uses words and image to depict consequences of having two or more children. ‘The more you have, the more they need’, the caption of the poster plays at highlighting the consequences of having more children.
It uses reasoning and arousing of fear to persuade the people that the more children they have, the more money and time they need to bring up more children. Therefore, the poster causes them to reconsider their decision; they might decide not to have so many children after all.
Belinda Teo (TO2)Stop Animal Testing
The advertisement above is used to dissuade animal testing. This advertisement targets females, as cosmetics are the main cause of animal testing.
The persuasion technique used in this advertisement is the use of fear-arousing messages. In this picture, the makeup used by the good-looking model is shown to be made from blood, presumably from the dead animals which were used as test subjects in the process of producing the makeup.
This advertisement is effective in conveying its message through the use of fear-arousing images, as most females would be very affected by gory pictures. Also, as many are unaware of how makeup is produced, this advert makes known the fact that some cosmetics are produced using unethical means, and allows its audience to avoid purchasing these products, thus decreasing the need for animal testing.
How Shi Ying T02
Chua Jun Ming T02
The picture above is a Gatorade advertisement, a sports drink with added minerals for athletes to hydrate themselves with. The person who just woke up from his slumber is already feeling strong, fit and energized (although still in bed). The shadow behind him clearly shows the boy lifting a dumbbell, and his biceps are visible.This advertisement is effective in putting across the message that Gatorade provides people with strength even when they have very little energy e.g. having just got out of bed.
Persuasion is evident with the sleeper effect (no pun intended), whereby the message that Gatorade fuels oneself up is remembered, although the poster isn't credible. One obviously cannot lift a dumbbell after having just woken up.
Ashleigh Ann Chong, T01.
I feel that this advertisement adopts the peripheral route to persuasion. The audience does not have to be analytical or or involved. Also, low effort is made through the use of peripheral cues and rule-of-thumb heuristics. The advertisement tries to portray men who smoke as those who would attract more ladies. The tagline even boldly declares that just "blow in her face and she'll follow you anywhere." In the text below, it mentions again that "a puff in her direction and she'll follow you, anywhere." The advertisement also tries to sell smoking by including this in the text: "Oh yes... you get smoking satisfaction without inhaling smoke." Through the use of peripheral cues, the advertisement aims to trigger liking and acceptance of smoking among the public, in this case targetted mainly at men.
Yvette Hiew Yin
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Pregnant women to stop smoking
This advertisement aims to reduce the number of pregnant women who are smoking by using the technique of the effect of arousing fear in its message.
As shown, black smoke is rising from the bulge of the woman's stomach, which incidentally, represents the fetus. This suggests that the well being of the fetus is being harmed, since black is an ominous color. Having the mother's palm resting on the bulge suggests mother's love and this sums up to a conclusion of - for the sake of your child, please stop smoking.
Ong Ying Ying.
The coca cola advertisement is trying to influence people to drink more coca cola through the influence of the woman’s attractiveness. The advertisement is using physical appeal to the consumers, thus, emphasizing on the woman good looks and body. This type of advertisement is more influential because it comes from a woman who the consumers might consider beautiful and attractive. It is also trying to say to the consumers that even good looking, attractive and influential woman drink coca cola.
3M safety glass
In most cases, communicators used are celebrities or star athletes. But in this advertisement, 3M used actual cash to prove that their safety glass is secure enough to protect the money inside. To increase the attractiveness, anyone who could break the glass (without cheating or using specialised tools) would be able to get to the cash. The money attracts many people to try and break the glass by kicking and pounding on the glass.
This method lets consumers see and test for themselves how sturdy the safety glass is. In other words, they can experience for themselves ohw effective the glass is, and be able to trust the product. The attraction the advertisement used is only to lure passer-bys to try the product.
Junie Lim, T03
I want YOU!!!
This poster, created back in 1917, was used by the USA to persuade civilians to sign for the army in both WW1 and WW2, to a great effect. The type of persuasion technique used in this poster is by making people feel responsible towards the message. The man in this poster is Uncle Sam, a representation of the USA. As in the poster, the figure of Uncle Sam seemingly points towards the readers; it would seem as if the message was directed at the reader personally, in that the USA would really require the reader’s help in the army. The words ‘I want YOU for the U.S. army’, with greater emphasis in the ‘YOU’ (bigger font size), helps convey the message of Uncle Sam, and also helps in making the message more personal. By making the message personal, people would be more likely to feel responsible for evaluating the message. In the end, this poster was used to a great effect in persuasion as it used peripheral route to tripper feelings of patriotism and duty among the readers, which lead them to voluntary sign for the army.
Clement Ho, T04
Victoria's Secret Ad
Her sexiness portrayed in this advertisement, that is naked with only a lace underwear (which is from the collection they are advertising) with the title "What is Sexy?" is trying to attract women to feel as sexy as Adriana by buying the lingerie of this new collection. Males who view this advertisement, due to the attractiveness of the communicator, might also be interested in buying the lingerie for their female partners. Her sex appeal persuades people to check out the new collection and buy the product.
Nur Hazwani - T04.
Abercrombie & Fitch
Weight Loss
Retrieved from http://hurryweightloss.com/WeightLoss/prepare-your-body.jpg
It is no doubt that looking good and presentable is everyone’s desire. The intention of the above picture is to provoke one’s desire of looking good and from there, the picture serves as a reminder and encouragement to be thin, good looking and presentable just like the two models. The creator of this picture uses attractive and presentable models to persuade people to cut down weight (to be thin and muscular like them). When people want to be as attractive like them, they will be persuaded to lose weight (purpose of the picture).
Persuasion Technique
Attractiveness: physical appeal
Phua Wei Xuan
Attractiveness is used as an element of persuasion in this advertisement. As a famous football star, David Beckham is an icon that everybody looks up to. Just by him alone, people will be persuaded to buy Adidas as he looks good. People would tend to have the mindset that they would look at least half as good as him because they are both wearing the same brand. Therefore by having David Beckham as a brand ambassador, people would be attracted to buy the product because we associate positive feelings to the things that we are attracted to.
Jesline Lee T02
Emporio Armani Diamonds: Beyonce
In this advertisement, the persuasion technique used is peripheral route via attractiveness of the communicator. With Beyonce, a famous singer who is very attractive and loved by many is the ambassador of Emporio Armani would persuade fans of Beyonce to purchase this perfume as they believe Beyonce uses the same perfume thus they would like to use what their idol uses. Even for those who may not know who Beyonce is will be awed by her beautiful features and this may also result in them being persuaded to buy the perfume as her physical characteristics has attracted their attention. By having a well known artist advertised in this ad, consumers may associate Emporio Armani's product positively as the person that portrays the image of Emporio Armani is a woman who has achieved so much in her life.
By: Siti Fatihah Khan Surattee 1T04
The poster that I’m using will be a poster which aim is to discourage people from drink driving. The fear arousing effect persuasion technique was used in this poster. The images in the poster warns us against mixing gas and alcohol together which is a hint for us to not drive after we have consumed alcohol. At the back of the gas and alcohol shows a skull which symbolizes death. The skull image used is meant to frighten the viewers of the poster and to warn them against the dire consequence that may happen when we drunk drive.
Cherlyn Chin, T02
Image link: http://media.photobucket.com/image/drunk%20driving%20posters/the2funadguyz/ABCfixes/BigPics601to800/775Big.jpg
Chic Celine Dion Perfume
Charissa Wong T02