Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Smoking isn't just suicide. It's murder.

In this anti-smoking advertisement, we can see a little boy whose face is being surrounded by hazy smoke, which is in the shape of a bag that is supposedly suffocating him and hence, causing his uncomfortable and painful expression. The types of persuasion techniques used are reason versus emotion and the effect of arousing fear. By using the message "Smoking isn't just suicide. It's murder.", it's convincing the readers that when they smoke, they are not only causing harm to themselves, but they are also killing others with second-hand smoke. With such a fear-arousing image of a little boy bawling in despair and being "suffocated" with smoke, it is also effective in evoking negative emotions in readers and may help persuade people to cut down on smoking before causing unnecessary harm to others, especially innocent people.

Image: http://www.photopumpkin.com/wp-content/uploads/anti-smoking-ads-2.jpg

Emily Tan

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