Thursday, January 7, 2010

Week 12 E-learning (Persuasion)

This advertisement's objective is to encourage more supervision of children at swimming pools. It is mostly targeted at parents and guardians. The message that is being conveyed via the advertisement is the importance of not leaving a child unattended at the pool. The advertisers had applied the persuasion technique of evoking fear in viewers, in order to bring across their intention. I do have to applause them for their creative idea of placing the poster underwater, so as to make the boy in the poster seem as though he had drowned and is floating faced down on the surface of the water. By adding a touch of reality and possibility, this increases the fear aspect hence creating a greater impact. Portraying a probable consequence of leaving a child unattended, would stimulate negative emotions amongst parents and guardians, therefore deterring them from allowing plausible situations like this from happening.

T01 Sarah Tan

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